Making time for God–Released 03-27 PM (Recorded 3-14)
Making time for God
I. Prayer
II. Reading the Bible
III. Service
IV. Helping others
V. Sharing the gospel -
Misplaced confidence–Released 2021-03-28 AM (Recorded 2021-3-14)
Misplaced confidence
I. Strength
II. Wisdom
III. Idols
IV. Position/Power
V. Earnings -
An appointed limit–Released 2021-03-21 PM (Recorded 2021-03-07
An appointed limit
I. To work in kingdom
II. To produce fruit
III. To feed on His word
IV. To turn to God
V. To live here -
Just for looks–Released 2021-3-21 PM (recorded 2021-03-07)
Just for looks
I. Joseph’s brothers show coat
II. Sorcerers oppose Moses
III. Judas kisses Jesus
IV. Pilate washes his hands
V. Ananias & Sapphira give -
Never a second thought–Released 2021-03-14 PM (Recorded 2021-02-28)
Never a second thought
I. Esau
II. Pharaoh
III. Samson
IV. Nebuchadnezzar
V. Herod -
Grow or die–Released 2021-3-14 AM (recorded 2021-2-28)
Grow or die
I. Worship
II. Ministry
III. Evangelism
IV. Teaching
V. Leadership -
Brackett Cantrell Sings “Oh to be like thee” circa 1980s
How to be a friend of God–Released 2021-3-7 PM (recorded 2021-02-21 )
How to be a friend of God
I. Answer God’s call
II. Live in ‘foreign country’
III. Dwell temporarily
IV. Wait for the heavenly city
V. Obey God -
AM–No oil for my lamp–Released 3-7-21 (recorded 2-21-21)
No oil for my lamp
I. 5 wise, 5 foolish virgins
II. Sleeping and slumbering
III. Midnight arrival
IV. Can’t give oil others
V. Unprepared locked out