Where I am, you may be also — Released 2021-05-30 (Recorded 2021-05-16)
Where I am, you may be also
I. Believe v1
II. Many mansions v2
III. Prepare a place v2
IV. Be with Me (fellowship) v3
V. You know the way v4 -
A friend of the world — Released 2021-05-23 (recorded 2021-05-09)
A friend of the world
I. Adam
II. Joseph
III. Gehazi
IV. Sennacherib
V. Isaiah -
Mothers are special — Released 2021-05-23 (Recorded 2021-05-09)
Mothers are special
I. Give birth to us
II. Care for us
III. Love us
IV. Often correct us
V. Point us to the future -
The weakest link — Released 2021-05-16 (Recorded 2021-05-02)
The weakest link
I. Sexual sins
II. Worshipping creation
III. Uncontrolled emotions
IV. Seeking self first
V. Ignoring limits -
Satan’s weapons — Released 2021-05-09 (Recorded 2021-04-25)
Satan’s weapons
I. Eve
II. Achan
III. Samson
IV. King Saul
V. King Hezekiah -
Purified souls — Released 2021-05-09 ( Recorded 2021-04-25)
Purified souls
I. Obey the truth
II. Sincere love
III. Born again
IV. All flesh as grass
V. Word of Lord endures -
A limited time — Released 2021-05-02 (Recorded 2021-04-18)
A limited time
I. To live here
II. Feed on his word
III. Work in kingdom
IV. Produce fruit
V. Turn to God -
Prideful Edom will fall — Released 2021-05-02 (Recorded 2021-04-18)
Prideful Edom will fall
I. Going to lose everything v5-6
II. Allies turn against you v7-9
III. Enjoyed fall of ‘brother’ v10-14
IV. Day of the Lord coming v15-18
V. God’s kingdom conquers all v19-21