My passion in life is communicating a message using all forms of media.
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  • A people prepared — Released 2021-06-13 (Recorded 2021-05-30)

    A prepared people
    I. Money management
    II. Fighting evil
    III. Food
    IV Weather
    V. Place to stay

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  • When Jesus takes notice — Released 2021-06-13 (Recorded 2021-05-30)

    When Jesus takes notice
    I. Centurion
    II. Canaanite woman
    III. Foot-washing woman
    IV. Paralyzed man/friends
    V. One of nine lepers

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  • Look beyond your nose — Released 2021-06-06 (Recorded 2021-05-16)

    Look beyond your nose
    I. Ham
    II. Esau
    III. Achan
    IV. Rhoda
    V. Demas

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  • The narrow gate — Released 2021-06-06 (Recorded 2021-05-23)

    The narrow gate
    I. Beware false prophets
    II. Look at the fruit
    III. Bad fruit trees destroyed
    IV. Doing better than saying
    V. Build on the rock

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  • Our high priest — Released 2021-06-06 (Recorded 2021-05-16)

    Our high priest
    I. Faithful
    II. Sympathize
    III. Bring a better hope
    IV. Makes intersession
    V. Offered one sacrifice

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