The lamb of God — Released 2021-07-25 PM (Recorded 2021-07-18)
The lamb of God
I. Lamb without blemish
II. Blood on doorposts & lentil
III. Eat lamb
IV. Ready to leave
V. Sees blood, passes over -
The authority of Jesus — 2021-07-25 AM (Recorded 2021-07-18)
The authority of Jesus
I. Judging
II. Asking
III. Golden rule
IV. I never knew you
V. Building your house -
Following in His footsteps — Released 2021-07-18 PM (Recorded 2021-07-11)
Following in His footsteps
I. In temptation
II. In speaking truth
III. In compassion
IV. In dealing with enemies
V. In submission to God’s will -
Cords and cart ropes — Released 2021-07-18 AM (Recorded 2021-07-11)
Cords and cart ropes
I. Envy
II. Lust
IV. Covetousness
V. Pride -
Doing nothing — Released 2021-07-11 (Recorded 2021-07-04)
Doing nothing
I. Adam
II. Judah
III. Aaron
IV. Elijah’s audience
V. Eli -
Faith and the flood — Released 2021-07-11 (Recorded 2021-07-04)
Faith and the flood
I.Animals came to Noah
II. Plenty of food/water
III. Water from above/below
IV. Every kind on the ark
V. Water lifted the ark -
Giving it up for God’s plan — Released 2021-07-04 (recorded 2021-06-06)
Giving it up for God’s plan
I. Abraham
II. Moses
III. Hannah
IV. Paul
V. Jesus -
Calling evil good — Released 2021-07-04 (recorded 2021-06-06)
Calling evil good
I. Greed
II. Drunkenness
III. Pride
IV. Worldly wisdom
V. Unequal justice