Just a grave in the vale — Released 2021-09-26 (Recorded 2021-09-19)
Just a grave in the vale
I. Unknown from birth
II. Known for a while
III. Death comes to all
IV. Memories may linger
V. Eventually just a name -
Written for all to see — Released 2021-09-26 (recorded 2021-09-19)
Written for all to see
I. On doorposts and gates
II. On a wall
III. On the ground
IV. On the cross
V. On hearts -
I know your works — Released 2021-09-19 (Recorded 2021-09-12)
I know your works
I. Ephesus/Smyrna
II. Pergamos/Thyatira
III. Sardis/Philadelphia
IV. Laodiceans
V. As an individual -
Crucified with Christ — Released 2021-09-19 (Recorded 2021-09-12)
Crucified with Christ
I. Greed
II. Lust
III. Revenge
IV. Pride
V. Selfishness -
2021-09-05 (PM) Plays well with others
Plays well with others
I. Be at peace
II. Warn unruly
III. Comfort fainthearted
IV. Uphold the weak
V. Be patient with all -
When God cancels death — Released 2021-09-12 (Recorded 2021-09-05)
When God cancels death
I. Fiery furnace
II. Lion’s den
III. Gallows
IV. Stoning
V. Snake bite -
What a paradox! — Released 2021-09-05 (Recorded 2021-08-29)
What a paradox!
I. Flood waters killed & saved
II. Strength by weakness
III. Wise by being a fool
IV. Find rest under a yoke
V. Lose life to find it -
Good advice for us too — Released 2021-09-05 (Recorded 2021-08-29)
Good advice for us too
I. Example to believers
II. Reading
III. Do not neglect gift
IV. Meditate on these things
V. Continue in the doctrine