My passion in life is communicating a message using all forms of media.
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  • Learning from Peter’s denial — Released 2022-01-30 (Recorded 2022-01-23)

    Learning from Peter’s denial
    I. Overconfidence
    II. Hiding in the shadows
    III. Moving away
    IV. Lord seeing him
    V.  Conscience reminding


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  • Why they looked up — Released 2022-01-30 (Recorded 2022-01-23)

    Why they looked up
    I. Jesus
    II. Three women
    III. Disciples
    IV. Stephen
    V.  Paul
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  • Dangerous blind spots — Released 2022-01-23 (Recorded 2022-01-16)

    Lesson text
    2 Peter 1:10-11

    Dangerous blind spots
    I. Achan
    II. Samson
    III. Hezekiah
    IV. Herod
    V.  Peter

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  • Jesus raises the standard — Released 2022-01-16 (Recorded 2022-01-09)

    Jesus raises the standard
    I. Murder
    II. Adultery
    III. Swearing falsely
    IV. Eye for eye
    V. Love neighbor

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  • Misplaced trust — Released 2022-01-16 (Recorded 2022-01-09)

    Misplaced trust
    I. Power
    II. Own righteousness
    III. Own understanding
    IV. False gods
    V. Worldly alliances

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  • Prosperity amnesia — Released 2022-01-09 (Recorded 2022-01-02)

    Prosperity amnesia
    I. Noah
    II. Israelites
    III. King David
    IV. Ananias & Sapphira
    V. Demas

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  • I make all things new — Released 2022-01-09 (Recorded 2022-01-02)

    I make all things new
    I. New world (after flood)
    II. New people like Abraham
    III. New covenant replaces old
    IV. New man (old man dies)
    V. New heavens, new earth

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  • I make all things new — Released 2022-01-09 (Recorded 2022-01-02)

    I make all things new
    I. New world (after flood)
    II. New people like Abraham
    III. New covenant replaces old
    IV. New man (old man dies)
    V. New heavens, new earth

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  • Life is like a shipwreck — Released 2022-01-02 (Recorded 2022-12-26)

    Life is like a shipwreck
    I. Need help from others
    II. Take food for strength
    III. Cast worldly concerns aside
    IV. Made for the shore (eternity)
    V. We can make it to safety

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  • One last chance — Released 2022-01-02 (Recorded 2022-12-26)

    One last chance
    I. To hear a sermon
    II. To work out differences
    III. To pass the torch
    IV. To say I love you
    V. To get right with God


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