Greg Rains Media
My passion in life is communicating a message using all forms of media.
Biggest regrets — Released 2022-04-17 (Recorded 2022-04-10)
Biggest regrets
I. Eve, Amnon
II. Cain, Moses
III. Achan, Judas
IV. Lot’s wife, John Mark
V. Hezekiah, Ephesian disciples -
Willing to lend a hand — Released 2022-04-10 (Recorded 2022-04-03)
Willing to lend a hand
I. Lot travelled with Abraham
II. Aaron & Hur helped Moses
III. Andrew takes Peter to Jesus
IV. Women supported Jesus
V. Silas went with Paul -
No weapon formed — Released 2022-04-10 (recorded 2022-04-03)
No weapon formed
I. Truth repels lies
II. Righteousness repels evil
III. Preparation repels failure
IV. Faith repels disbelief
V. Salvation repels doubt -
Even as Christ forgave you — Released 2022-04-03 (Recorded 2022-03-27
Even as Christ forgave you
I. Sinful woman
II. Paralyzed man
III. Adulterous woman
IV. Roman soldiers
V. Corinthian brother -
Death is a step away — Released 2022-04- 03 (Released 2022-03-27)
Death is a step away
I. Jacob worshipped
II. Joseph thought of his burial
III. Joshua took a stand
IV. John Baptist died for truth
V. Jesus thought of mother