Rock solid promises — Released 2022-05-29 (Recorded 2022-05-22)
Rock solid promises
I. Joseph
II. Stephen
III. Peter
IV. Cornelius
V. Paul -
Where are the nine? — Released 2022-05-29 (Recorded 2022-05-22)
Where are the nine?
I. Physical blessings
II. People in our lives
III. Life & health
IV. Work
V. Savior
Check out this episode! -
Believing your own hype — Released 2022-05-22 (Recorded 2022-05-15)
Believing your own hype
I. Pharaoh
II. Samuel’s sons
III. King Saul
IV. Herod the Tetrarch
V. Diotrephes -
Leave the increase to God — Released 2022-05-22 (Recorded 2022-05-15)
Leave the increase to God
I. Assets
II. People
III. Food
IV. Knowledge
V. Faith
Check out this episode! -
God’s promises — Released 2022-05-15 (Recorded 2022-05-08)
God’s promises
I. Samson
II. Elijah
III. Elisha
IV. David
V. Smyrna -
Tell someone — Released 2022-05-08 (Recorded 2022-05-01)
Tell someone
I. Demon-possessed man
II. Andrew
III. Samaritan woman
IV. Timothy
V. Thessalonians -
Choosing God over the world — Released 2022-05-08 (Recorded 2022-05-01)
Choosing God over the world
I. Submit to God
II. Resist the devil
III. Draw near to God
IV. Cleanse your hands
V. Purify your hearts -
Worship from the heart — Released 2022-05-01 (Recorded 2022-04-24)
Worship from the heart
I. Singing
II. Praying
III. Preaching
IV. Lord’s Supper
V. Collection -
When God evens the score — Released 2022-05-01 (Recorded 2022-04-24)
When God evens the score
I. Noah
II. Abraham
III. Moses
IV. Esther
V. David -
When God does a new thing — Released 2022-04-24 (Recorded 2022-04-17)
When God does a new thing
I. Ground swallows rebels
II. Rivers in the desert
III. A woman encompasses a man
IV. Soul who sins dies
V. ‘Christian’ new name