Greg Rains Media
My passion in life is communicating a message using all forms of media.
Worship from the heart — Released 2022-05-01 (Recorded 2022-04-24)
Worship from the heart
I. Singing
II. Praying
III. Preaching
IV. Lord’s Supper
V. Collection -
When God evens the score — Released 2022-05-01 (Recorded 2022-04-24)
When God evens the score
I. Noah
II. Abraham
III. Moses
IV. Esther
V. David -
When God does a new thing — Released 2022-04-24 (Recorded 2022-04-17)
When God does a new thing
I. Ground swallows rebels
II. Rivers in the desert
III. A woman encompasses a man
IV. Soul who sins dies
V. ‘Christian’ new name -
Wait for it — Released 2022-04-24 (Recorded 2022-04-17)
Wait for it
I. Deliverance from danger
II. Miraculous resources
III. Resurrection
IV. Return to kingship -
That you may know — Released 2022-4-17 (Recorded 2022-04-10)
That you may know
I. Your belief & love v1,2
II. Keeping commandments v3
III. Overcoming the world v4,5
IV. Heavenly witnesses v6, 7
V. Earthly witnesses v 8, 9