My passion in life is communicating a message using all forms of media.
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  • Family resemblance — Released 2022-06-26 (Recorded 2022-06-12)

    Family resemblance
    I. David
    II. Elijah’s patron
    III. Moses
    IV. Daniel
    V.  Joseph

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  • Weeds in the garden — Recorded 2022-06-12 (Released 2022-06-19)

    Weeds in the garden
    I. Weeds reflect poorly on all
    II. Weeds planted by enemy
    III. Harvest reveals identity
    IV. Tares bundled and burned
    V.  Wheat gathered into barn

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  • The nature of our enemy — Released 2022-06-12 (Recorded 2022-05-29)

    The nature of our enemy
    I. Deceiver
    II. Angel of light
    III. Roaring lion
    IV. King influenced by Satan
    V. Sifter of souls

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  • Planted by the river — 2022-05-29 (Released 2022-06-04)

    Planted by the river
    I. Ignores bad advice
    II. Avoids bad company
    III. Values the soul of all
    IV. Meditates in the law
    V.  Delights in the LORD

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