What manner of woman — Released 2022-08-28 (Recorded 2022-08-21)
What manner of woman
I. Tamar
II. Rahab
III. Ruth
IV. Bathsheba
V. Mary -
We are the clay — Released 2022-08-28 (Recorded 2022-08-21)
We are the clay
I. Follow God’s plan
II. Leave past behind
III. Ditch the excuses
IV. Stand with God
V. Switch to Lord’s side -
The Lord knows his own — 2022 Release 08-21 (Recorded 08-14)
The Lord knows his own
I. Rightly divide
II. Shun babblings
III. Cleanse from dishonor
IV. Flee youthful lusts
V. Avoid disputes -
Anchor of the soul — 2022 Released 08-21: Recorded 08-14
Anchor of the soul
I. Make the rope longer
II. Toss ‘weight’ overboard
III. Make anchor heavier
IV. Help shipmates
V. Ride out the storm -
Stick with the guide — Released 2022-08-14 (Recorded 2022-08-07)
Stick with the guide
I. Enoch
II. Amnon
III. Joshua
IV.Young prophet
V. Hezekiah -
What is your role? — Released 2022-08-14 (Recorded 2022-08-07)
What is your role?
I. Andrew
II. Barnabas
III. Stephen
IV. Philip
V. Tychicus (TIK-uh-kus) -
God hears an honorable man — Recorded 2022-07-31 (Released 2022-08-07)
God hears an honorable man
I. Called on the God of Israel
II. “Bless me”
III. “Enlarge my territory”
IV. “Your hand be with me”
V. “Keep me from evil” -
Removing scarlet stains — Recorded 2022-07-31 (Released 2022-08-07)
Removing scarlet stains
I. Learn to do good
II. Seek justice
III. Rebuke the oppressor
IV. Defend the fatherless
V. Plead for the widow