Where are you leading? — Released 2022-10-30 (Released 2022-10-23)
Where are you leading?
I. Balaam
II. Eli
III. Jeroboam
IV. Andrew
V. Peter -
One of the few–Released 2022-10-30 (Recorded 2022-10-23)
One of the few
I. Noah’s family
II. Lot’s wife
III. Joshua’s house
IV. Jesus’ family
V. Paul’s children -
Following in the footsteps — Released 2022-10-23 (Recorded 2022-10-16)
Following in the footsteps
I. Abraham & Isaac
II. Naomi & Ruth
III. Asa & Jehoshaphat
IV. Herodias & Salome
V. Paul & Timothy -
Bad responses to truth — Released 2022-10-23 (Recorded 2022-10-16)
Bad responses to truth
I. Lot’s sons-in-law
II. Eli
III. Naaman
IV. Jehoiakim
V. Stephen -
Regretful kingly decisions — Released 2022-10-16 (Recorded 2022-10-09)
Regretful kingly decisions
I. David
II. Nebuchadnezzar
III. Darius
IV. Herod(Antipas)
V. Agrippa -
Knowing the time — Released 2022-10-16 (Recorded 2022-10-09)
Knowing the time
I. Awake out of sleep
II. Cast off works of darkness
III. Put on armor of light
IV. Let us walk properly
V. No provision for flesh -
Don’t stoop to their level — Released 2022-10-09 PM (Recorded 2022-10-02)
Don’t stoop to their level
I. Do not repay evil for evil
II. Live peaceably
III. Vengeance belongs to God
IV. Give aid to enemy
V. Overcome evil with good -
Passing the torch 2022–Released 2022-10-09 (Recorded 2022-10-02)
Passing the torch
I. Moses
II. Joshua
III. Elijah
IV. Jesus
V. Paul -
The kindness of correction — Released 2022-10-02 (Recorded 2022-09-25)
The kindness of correction
I. Chastening of God is good
II. Humble accept correction
III. Unpleasant, but necessary
IV. Nations need correction
V. King Uzziah’s correction -
Mighty to save — Released 2022-10-02 (Recorded 2022-09-25)
Mighty to save
I. Comes from Edom (enemy defeated)
II. Garments dyed (blood of enemy)
III. Apparel glorious (pride in uniform)
IV. Traveling in great strength (success)
V. Speaks righteousness (friend & foe)