My passion in life is communicating a message using all forms of media.
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  • 2023-05-21 (PM) This is only a test

    This is only a test
    I. God tested the Israelites
    II. Gideon tested God
    III. God tested Gideon’s men
    IV. Queen tested Solomon
    V.  We should test ourselves

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  • 2023-05-21 (AM) The ways of the wicked

    The ways of the wicked
    I. They forsake God’s law
    II. They bind the righteous
    III. They wait to destroy us
    IV. They lay snares for us
    V.  They won’t be saved

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  • 2023-05-14 (AM) She is the mother

    She is the mother

    I. Protects the child

    II. Loves the child

    III. Teaches the child

    IV. Seeks help for sick child

    V.  Wants best for the child


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  • 2023-05-14 (PM) Vows to God are serious

    Vows to God are serious
    I. Jacob 
    II. Israel
    III. Hannah
    IV. Absalom
    V.  Paul

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  • 2023-05-07 (PM) Enoch walked with God

    Enoch walked with God

    I. Walk in the good way

    II. Walk orderly

    III. Walk with needy 

    IV. Walk in steps of faith 

    V.  Walk in the light 


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  • 2023-05-07 (AM) God of all comfort

    God of all comfort
    I. Scripture
    II. Workers
    III. Love
    IV. Resurrection 
    V.  Death

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  • 2023-04-30 (PM) Witnesses for Jesus

    Witnesses for Jesus
    I. Works of Jesus
    II. Transfiguration
    III. Crucifixion
    IV. Resurrection
    V.  Gospel

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  • 2023-04-30 (AM) Lessons from labor

    Lessons from labor
    I. Garden of Eden
    II. Ark
    III. Brick making
    IV. Fishing
    V.  Ministry

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