Greg Rains Media
My passion in life is communicating a message using all forms of media.-
2023-06-18 (AM) Zeal without knowledge
Posted on June 25th, 2023 No comments
Zeal without knowledge
I. Cain
II. Israelites at Mount Sinai
III. King Saul
IV. Religious leaders
V. Apostle Paul -
2023-06-18 (PM) You are the temple of God
Posted on June 24th, 2023 No comments
You are the temple of God
I. Holy Spirit is the gift
II. Holy Spirit given unto us
III. Holy Spirit dwells in us
IV. Holy Spirit helps infirmities
V. Holy Spirit guarantees resurrection -
2023-06-11 (PM) Call out to Him
Posted on June 18th, 2023 No comments
Call out to Him
I. In need of direction
II. In trouble
III. While He can be found
IV. To receive
V. To be saved
2023-06-11 (AM) Behold His many crowns
Posted on June 18th, 2023 No comments
Behold His many crowns
I. Thorns
II. Rejoicing
III. Righteousness
IV. Glory
V. Life -
2023-06-04 (PM) Deceivers & the deceived
Posted on June 11th, 2023 No comments
Deceivers & the deceived
I. Devil deceives Eve
II. Laban deceives Jacob
III. Pride deceives the Edomites
IV. False Christs deceive some
V. Self deceives self
2023-06-04 (AM) Jesus did it better than Israel
Posted on June 11th, 2023 No comments
Jesus did it better than Israel
I. Out of Egypt
II. Through the water
III. Into the wilderness
IV. Mountain discourse
V. Enter promised land
2023-05-28 (PM) They say
Posted on June 7th, 2023 No comments
They say
I. Critics of John & Jesus
II. Scribes & Pharisees
III. Promoters of imposters
IV. Critics of Paul
V. Ear scratchers
2023-05-28 (AM) Dying on the battlefield
Posted on June 4th, 2023 No comments
Dying on the battlefield
I. John the Baptist
II. Jesus
III. Stephen
IV. Apostle James
V. Peter -
2023-05-21 (PM) This is only a test
Posted on May 28th, 2023 No comments
This is only a test
I. God tested the Israelites
II. Gideon tested God
III. God tested Gideon’s men
IV. Queen tested Solomon
V. We should test ourselves -
2023-05-21 (AM) The ways of the wicked
Posted on May 28th, 2023 No comments
The ways of the wicked
I. They forsake God’s law
II. They bind the righteous
III. They wait to destroy us
IV. They lay snares for us
V. They won’t be saved